CCW Backpacks Introduced
Backpacks were first introduced at the NRA Annual Meeting in Louisville, KY in 2016 where we presented our prototypes and received strong interest from the NRA members that visited our booth that first year.

CCW Backpacks Introduced
We started selling our concealed carry backpacks to the public at the NRA Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA in 2017. We were blown away by the response we received at that annual meeting.

CCW Jackets Introduced
We introduced our concealed carry jackets and coats in early 2018. In late 2018 we brought on the Liberty Safe handgun box division employees who were out of a job as Liberty moved the handgun box division to Utah. We were entering the safe business in a big way.

Enters the Gun Safe Industry
We introduced our prototypes of our large safes at the NRA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis in the Spring of 2019. One of the top executives at the NRA was one of our first customers to buy an American Rebel 50 Safe.

We didn't slow down during the challenges of operating during the COVID pandemic. Even though the obstacles were many, 2020 was a solid year for American Rebel. We increased revenue 135% when many businesses were closed. Customers loved our safes and dealers said we were the Safe with an Attitude!
In spite of the supply chain challenges of 2021, we laid the groundwork for important steps the company would take in 2022. The company develops many safe accessories that will be important contributions in the future.
American Rebel acquires the Champion Safe companies in July 2022. With only 5 months of Champion included, our revenue jumps 756%! Integration of the companies will be very important to maximize the value of the acquisition.
New Ventures
2023 is an exciting year for the safe business as American Rebel makes investments to expand and benefit the valuable Champion and Superior Safe brands. We're aggressively going after market share to benefit the parent company. American Rebel - America's Patriotic Brand signs a Master Brewing Agreement with Associated Brewing Company, an industry leader. American Rebel Beer - it's the only beer we're drinkin' round here!